Chapter 3
1. How to become flexible
When leading an FFS team you have to deal with several challenges: it is a rather new concept, so you need to really get familiar with it; there are different target groups involved, so you need to adjust your approach and your behavior accordingly; there are different training methods for each target group, so you need to enhance your knowledge and raise your skills to deliver them in an effective way. Therefore, being flexible and having strong adjustment skills will make your life much easier, and this is how:
(a) Keep your core values intact
Every individual has their own principles and personal values, which build their character and personality. No matter how fast or how much things change, it is important that we stay focused in these core values, because at the end of the day…this is who we are! These anchor points of one’s personality hold them grounded in times of change and offer a sense of internal stability and safety. For instance, if you receive an unexpected demand, these key attributes will help you figure out if you can approve it or not or help you decide to what extent it can be accepted.
(b) Be broad-minded
Any change can be scary, but this doesn’t mean we should reject it right from the start. The unknown might hide challenges and risks and also bring us out of our comfort zone, though it also brings evolution, improvement and personal growth. There will be a lot of individuals in your FFS team – some of them super young, others adults, some might even be older than you! Open your mind to different perspectives, listen to the various voices in the team and try to understand where they come from – for sure you can learn from anyone and the benefits will not only affect you but also the rest of your team.
(c) Be positive and keep calm
When coming close to a change or some unexpected incident occurs fear and anxiety are the most common human reactions. It might be hard to remain optimistic and keep a cool head, but stress and panic were never good allies to success. Address any challenge with a positive attitude, look at the bright side and try to reason out the negative aspects as much as possible. Anyway, every challenge is a new opportunity for learning and becoming better, and this is exactly how you should perceive it.
(d) Be proactive
For sure, there are things that happen unexpectedly and others you could never foresee. But evolution is a fact and we all know that nothing stays the same for long. What is the answer to the unknown future? Planning ahead! Try to envision the things that might change in the near future, “listen” to the signs, develop a risk plan and prepare your responses to upcoming incidents. Even if those exact predictions never occur, this process will help you feel more confident and will boost your readiness to address any future change.