Advocating for the recognition of the FFS approach

What are these policies for?

The FFS policy recommendations are designed to encourage and support local authorities in providing adequate conditions for the adoption and growth of the family-friendly sports approach in their communities.

Importance of FFS policies

Improving social cohesion

Family-friendly sport has a positive effect on strengthening inter and intra-familiar bonds, thus contributing to the overall increase in social cohesion on the local level.

Supporting grassroots sports clubs

Local sports clubs can make their activities more engaging and attractive by implementing the FFS approach, thus ensuring sustained development of the sports scene in your community.

Bettering physical activity habits

By ensuring better access to family-friendly sports activities the local authorities can contribute to the increase in physical activity levels of citizens of all ages and social backgrounds. 

Enabling access to non-formal education

By supporting the development of a family-friendly sports approach in your community, you can provide young people with more non-formal and informal education opportunities. 

Do you have any questions about implementing FFS Policies?

If you would like to learn more about the FFS Policies or you need support in implementing them, feel free to get in touch with us through the Contact page.

Access FFS Policy Recommendations

By clicking the button below you can download the FFS Policy Recommendations.

Implementing Policy Recommendations

Download the policy recommendations from our site.

Read and get familiar with them.

Implement the measures and procedures described within them.

Leave us feedback and share it with other local communities.

Testimonials from local authorities’ representatives


The Guidelines taught us how to implement a family-friendly sports approach into our work. The process proved to be simple, straightforward, and most importantly – fun and engaging. Thanks for the opportunity!


Guidelines enabled us to drastically improve our capacities in working and engaging parents of children who train in our club. Now our activities are more engaging and attractive for all generations.