Chapter 1

A few words to start with…

Sports…one of mankind’s most ancient inventions and one of the basic aspects in the lives of many of us…An instinct that offers joy, physical exercise and a unique feeling of self-confidence. People of all ages and backgrounds practice sports to improve their physique and mental resilience, socialize, get involved in healthy competition and nurture athletic ethos. Undeniably, exercise is essential for many reasons – and this is a fact according to the WHO[1], as physical activity:


  • has significant health benefits for hearts and bodies;
  • reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety;
  • enhances thinking, learning, and judgment skills;
  • ensures healthy growth and development in young people;
  • improves overall well-being.


So, who can doubt the uncountable benefits of participating in some physical activity?

However, provided that everyday life becomes more and more pressing and stressful in the modern days, the lack of time often pushes people away from exercise. Although the majority of children’s guardians support the idea of having their child involved in sports, they themselves appear quite distant from this beneficial habit.

And here comes THE challenge!

How can we persuade guardians to avoid their comfortable sedentary life habits and start moving their body? Could this be somehow linked to their children’s sport activities which are already ongoing? In fact, are we sure that the real benefits of sports are limited to those related to mental and physical health? Or is there any room there to gain even more, and…in multiple unexplored levels that bring families together?

As a response to this challenge, there is this new, innovative and alternative concept of exercise which comes to revolutionize the idea of athletism and to make sports safer and more accessible to families as a whole and can be concluded in three single words:


Family Friendly Sports

FFS reflects the idea of creating a “family-friendly” framework of exercise, in which families can train together, bond and raise their awareness about a series of matters through sports!